Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006

You have grown so much

it totally knocks me off my feet in amazement.
You are almost too big to lay width wise in your crib. I remember when you were almost too small to lay that way. You looked so tiny in that crib.
May 10, 2006
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November 23, 2006
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Monday, November 20, 2006

more teeth!!

Yes, I got my two top teeth but I also got ANOTHER bottom one. Mommy says I am moving too fast. I am loving to stand. I crawl right to mommy or daddy. That is fun! Mommy or Daddy will just hollor when it is bath time and I come all the way to the tub.
Oh well, mommy says it is nap time. See ya all later!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You cut your two top teeth

see the dates? yeah it has been a fun few days round here!!
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You really are a funny little boy. You are motoring around the house now. Got the worm crawl all figured out. You can go from sitting to tummy without bonking your noggin too hard. Actually I just looked over and you went from sitting to being on your hands and knees. You really are amazing! The amount of stuff you learn!! I will start the bath and call for you when you are in the living room. And the next thing I know I hear you grunting your way down the hall. All the way to the tub. It is so neat and fun. You continue to amaze me every day.
Man little man

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I got gifts from my friend Joel and his mommy Mrs. Christy

Thank you for the presents! I love it and am looking forward to all those cloth diapers on my bum. Although mommy said she has to ask you some questions Mrs. Christy. Hehe.

Here's pictures of me opening my first gifts.
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I would much rather eat the paper right now Mom!
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OH!! What's in here?!
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Wow wooden toys and diapers!! YAY!!
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Poor little boy

OK. I guess I have some catching up to do. You have been sick. I slept on the floor of your room for two nights in a row. On couch cusions on the floor. Yesterday I was playing with you and you threw up on me. RIGHT IN MY EYE! It was so gross but I couldn't stop laughing!
You were a pumpkin for halloween.
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You crawled RIGHT TO ME yesterday. I signed milk and you came right to me.
Also you still really love your bath. You really enjoy the water.

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We took you to go and feel leaves. Daddy took a great picture of us.

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I guess this is just an update. You are loving solids. You are growing so fast. Next thing I know you will be 1! Crazy! I love you more then life itself little man. You continue to amaze me every day!
Love Mommy

Saturday, October 14, 2006

You went to the pumpkin patch today

Your first trip. You liked it. Looking around. We lost a shoe though. :(
You saw pigs, llamas, bunnies, goats and lots of pumpkins!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

real food...

well almost!!
You started rice cereal on Sunday. I made it really thin but you didn't really like it. Only ate a teaspoon. The next day you were ready more and were opening your mouth for the next bite. I made it a little thicker. Then thicker yesterday and today as well. You like it. You even made a mmmmm noise. You ar growing so fast! Mommy can't keep up!
You also got a new car seat. Sigh.....What a big boy.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I have a cold

I don't like it. I am getting lots of sleep right now though.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

You are almost crawling!! You get up on all fours bury your face into you little soccer ball then scoot forward! You has been going backwards for a few days now. You are growing so fast. (Sniff...sniff)

This is a smile. Starting....
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Up on all fours. Pushing your face into the ball
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moving forward
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Poor Little Man

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Your teeth are coming through. THey are bugging you. You are a really good sport though. I gave you Tylenol. You are trying to sleep but I think the pain keeps waking you up. Poor baby.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

You can sit up now!!

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You have been doing this since Thursday, August 31.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

My little baby...

Has disappeared! I don't know where he went!! You are 4.5 months. On Thursday you started to sit up all by yourself. It is so neat! You can sit by yourselve for 10 minutes and sometimes longer. You are trying to scoot around on the floor. Your little legs get up under you and you are just starting to figure out that you need to move your arms and lift your head.
You love your Jolly Jumper.
We took you to Alouette Lake and White Rock yesterday. You liked the lake. You change so much each day. You get so excited when you see daddy.
One day Daddy walked in from work and you heard the door. We were at the computer and you all of a sudden turned your head. You saw Daddy and your face just lit up with the biggest grin. Daddy put his arms out to you and you lunged forward into his arms. Then he was holding you and you were giving him the biggest hug. It was the cutest thing ever.
Heard something cute from a movie called the crow. Thought I would put it here.
"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children."

Friday, August 18, 2006

My little man

You are really growing up. You were 4 months as of the 16th.
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And...Yesterday I was on the phone with your Daddy and I leaned over to you and said, "Hiiiii Cooper." You looked at me and gave me a very pronounced and distinctive "HI"!! I was SO excited! I was like, "did you hear that? Did you hear that?" and Daddy was just laughing and said that yes indeed he did hear that. You are growing up so fast. Was that really you're first word? WOW!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

This summer

sure has been fun so far. The growth that you are doing is amazing!! You went to the waterslides for the first time on the 29th of July. At first you were fine then daddy went down the kiddie slide with you and I guess it was a little too fast for your liking and you started to scream at the end. Then once it was over you were fine. So Daddy thought he would try again. He walked to the top of the slide and you figured out where you were right quick and just started SCREAMING. So that was enough of that for the day.
You have gone in your first outdoor pool in a floaty too. You didn't mind it at all. Then we took you out to Cultus Lake and you liked that one. You really are my water baby.
You have taken to grabbing things. If we hold something over you we will watch you smile then reach for it. You will grab it and bring it to your mouth and then promptly through it back down.
We have gone on a few family hikes and every evening we go for a walk. The three of us together. You are wide eyed and looking around. You and I go for a walk in the mornings too.
You sleep pretty darn well through the night. Feeding is going well too. I can't believe the smiles you give us and the laughs that are developing a little more with each passing day.
We really love you little man. Continue to amaze us, as I know you will.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sunday, July 23, 2006


You are an awesome cousin!

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

You got your first shots today

...And I think mom took it harder then you did!!
It just tore at my heart! I had to hold you sitting on my lap facing sideways with your head against my tummy. You were cuddled in and were liking that position. My hand went onto your leg to hold that still while you got the needle. The first needle went in. You cried but then uh-oh...there was a second. You cried even harder. Nothing is more painful then hearing my little boy cry in pain and there was nothing I could do about it.
Then I had to turn you around so she could put TWO MORE in your other thigh! I didn't sign up for this! (well, I did but I tell you just before going in for the appointment I wanted to cancel!)
You were looking up at me, your whole face and head bright red from crying so hard. You looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes just as the third needle went in and screamed at the top of your lungs and the tears fell. From both of us. I told Daddy that I couldn't do it! One more shot. I was crying good and so were you.
There, the shot was done. I pulled you closer to me and kissed you and hugged you. Then started to feed you. You were still crying and pulling off. Went into the waiting room for our 15 minutes of wait time to make sure there was no reaction and continued to feed. I kept apologizing over and over. Telling you that I was so proud of you and you were so brave. You were such a good boy. So you calmed down and was eating away.
Then I would hear the next baby cry as they were getting their shots and it all would come back to me and I would cry again. Just remembering the way you looked up at me. Those beautiful blue eyes looking beyond your bright red eyelids and face. Looking up at me as if to say, "Mommy make them stop." MAN!! I am still tearing up thinking about it.
You are such a trooper. No Tylenol. Little bit of a fever but we are watching it. Cuddled with a mommy that felt really bad. I even stopped at the rest stop on the way to Aldergrove to make sure that you were ok.
Before we went in I prayed to God for Him to protect you. He did. You took it better then I did. I am already dreading the 4 month shots that are coming up in August.
My little man was cooing and smile before we even left the health unit and as I sit here now you are talking to your duck and smiling away. It really is tough being a parent. How many times can my heart break!?!

Friday, June 16, 2006


Yesterday you gave me a little laugh for the first time. It was much different then all the cooing and smiling you give me. It sounded very much like a little laugh. The tone was different and everything!
It is so fun to see you get excited. You got up early and spent the morning with Daddy and every time he would talk to you your legs and arms would go like crazy and you would have a BIG smile on your face. You really do love your Daddy.
It is Daddy's first father's day on Sunday. So exciting. You two have matching outfits. You are actually going to be dedicated to Christ on that day in front of the whole church. What an exciting day!
I am so nervous for you. You get your first shots on Monday. But you are a trooper and I know that you will do great.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

You're such a funny boy

I walked past your room today and I heard you cooing and laughing. So I went in. You were still smiling. I bent down and started to talk to you and you stopped! No more smiles. I said to you, "Mommy is going to start taking offense to that." and you smiled from ear to ear. You always seem to have the most perfect timing with those smiles of yours.
You even looked like you had a pouty look on your face.
You are quite the morning person. Every morning you are all grins and love to play. Then you go back to bed after a while.
You are just getting over a cold. Your second one since you have been born. I really hope that you stop getting those. It is really no fun to hear your congested breathing and your little coughs.
Love you little man. You sure are changing right before my eyes!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Family

Daddy and me
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Mommy and me
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Thursday, June 08, 2006

You're getting so big

On tuesday the sixth I had a doctors appointment and while I was there we snuck you onto the scale. You now weigh 10lbs, 13oz. I just measured your length and you are now about 23" long. Up from 7lbs 7oz at birth and 19.5 inches.
You have discovered your tongue and I find that so fun! You are discovering your voice as well. Lots of cooing and funny little noises. You click your tounge as well.
You amaze me more and more every day little man. I love you so much and I just can't get over how big and how well developed you are getting. Wow.

this is you from yesterday.
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This is you the day you were born.
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I can't believe it!

Monday, May 29, 2006

From Mommy

Wow! YOu aure are growing up so fast. I am really enjoying watching you grow.
We see smiles and hear cooing lots now. You are really developing your personality. You love to play with us in the morning. You really enjoy your bath time. You kick your legs like a frog. Pull them up under you then kick them backwards. You stand up in the tub while leaning on my arm. You will lock your knees and push up and be standing. Your head control has gotten so much stronger and you hold it up more and more each day.
Whenever you have tummy time you stretch yourself out so that your head, arms and legs are all off the floor. Like you are flying. You like trying to find your fist and your thumb but I try to keep your thumb out of your mouth cause I don't want you having the same nasty habit I had.
I love you so much Cooper and you blow me away more and more every day.
Here is a picture of you yesterday playing with daddy looking at me.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I am one month old today!

So I have been kicking around out here for a month now and I must say that it really isn't so bad. I get fed when I want, changed and held. Plus I can sleep all I want. What a life!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Here is Mommy and me. This was taken just moments after I was born.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAnd today. 1 month old!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My first pair of Jeans and Doctor's visit...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Look how big they are on me! But Mom says they are still cute.
Just got in from the doctors. I am now 9lbs 4oz. Packing it on! I love to eat!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

First time...

In my crib. I fell asleep all on my own. I think I like my crib!

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