Thursday, November 23, 2006

You have grown so much

it totally knocks me off my feet in amazement.
You are almost too big to lay width wise in your crib. I remember when you were almost too small to lay that way. You looked so tiny in that crib.
May 10, 2006
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November 23, 2006
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Monday, November 20, 2006

more teeth!!

Yes, I got my two top teeth but I also got ANOTHER bottom one. Mommy says I am moving too fast. I am loving to stand. I crawl right to mommy or daddy. That is fun! Mommy or Daddy will just hollor when it is bath time and I come all the way to the tub.
Oh well, mommy says it is nap time. See ya all later!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You cut your two top teeth

see the dates? yeah it has been a fun few days round here!!
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You really are a funny little boy. You are motoring around the house now. Got the worm crawl all figured out. You can go from sitting to tummy without bonking your noggin too hard. Actually I just looked over and you went from sitting to being on your hands and knees. You really are amazing! The amount of stuff you learn!! I will start the bath and call for you when you are in the living room. And the next thing I know I hear you grunting your way down the hall. All the way to the tub. It is so neat and fun. You continue to amaze me every day.
Man little man

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I got gifts from my friend Joel and his mommy Mrs. Christy

Thank you for the presents! I love it and am looking forward to all those cloth diapers on my bum. Although mommy said she has to ask you some questions Mrs. Christy. Hehe.

Here's pictures of me opening my first gifts.
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I would much rather eat the paper right now Mom!
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OH!! What's in here?!
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Wow wooden toys and diapers!! YAY!!
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Poor little boy

OK. I guess I have some catching up to do. You have been sick. I slept on the floor of your room for two nights in a row. On couch cusions on the floor. Yesterday I was playing with you and you threw up on me. RIGHT IN MY EYE! It was so gross but I couldn't stop laughing!
You were a pumpkin for halloween.
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You crawled RIGHT TO ME yesterday. I signed milk and you came right to me.
Also you still really love your bath. You really enjoy the water.

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We took you to go and feel leaves. Daddy took a great picture of us.

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I guess this is just an update. You are loving solids. You are growing so fast. Next thing I know you will be 1! Crazy! I love you more then life itself little man. You continue to amaze me every day!
Love Mommy