Sunday, January 21, 2007


You got your sixth tooth on the 12th and your seventh on the 16th. You are just pushing them through!!!
You have been getting more and more daring at trying to stand without holding onto anything. It is so neat to watch you do that!!
Well, little man, that was just an update for ya.
Love you with all my heart.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

you are getting too big too fast little man!!

YOu were totally spoiled for Christmas.
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you didn't seem all too interested in opening presents or going to the church service but you were dressed as cute as a button, as usual. ;)
YOu said your first sentence on the 23rd. You said Hi Dad. We were in walmart and Daddy was trying on some work shoes out of site from us. Then he stepped into site and you went HI DAD!! Daddy looked at me and asked, did he just say hi dad? and I said, I think so. A lady beside me said, oh yeah...He definately said hi dad. Cool. Your first sentence.
On the 31st you stood all by yourself for the first time. It was a whole 2 seconds but still. I saw you let go out of the corner of my eye. I went to reach for you and I think that is what startled you. I thought you were about to fall. But nope! You were testing your limits and seeing if you can stand.