Monday, May 29, 2006

From Mommy

Wow! YOu aure are growing up so fast. I am really enjoying watching you grow.
We see smiles and hear cooing lots now. You are really developing your personality. You love to play with us in the morning. You really enjoy your bath time. You kick your legs like a frog. Pull them up under you then kick them backwards. You stand up in the tub while leaning on my arm. You will lock your knees and push up and be standing. Your head control has gotten so much stronger and you hold it up more and more each day.
Whenever you have tummy time you stretch yourself out so that your head, arms and legs are all off the floor. Like you are flying. You like trying to find your fist and your thumb but I try to keep your thumb out of your mouth cause I don't want you having the same nasty habit I had.
I love you so much Cooper and you blow me away more and more every day.
Here is a picture of you yesterday playing with daddy looking at me.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I am one month old today!

So I have been kicking around out here for a month now and I must say that it really isn't so bad. I get fed when I want, changed and held. Plus I can sleep all I want. What a life!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Here is Mommy and me. This was taken just moments after I was born.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAnd today. 1 month old!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My first pair of Jeans and Doctor's visit...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Look how big they are on me! But Mom says they are still cute.
Just got in from the doctors. I am now 9lbs 4oz. Packing it on! I love to eat!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

First time...

In my crib. I fell asleep all on my own. I think I like my crib!

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

I rolled over

That is right! On Tuesday evening I rolled over from my stomach to my back. You should hav eheard Auntie Sue and Mommy giving me praise and ooing and awing over me. I find it amusing. Just wait until one day I roll back!!
Here is a picture of me thinkin'.
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

another doctor's checkup

Had another check up yesterday. I now weigh 8lbs 8oz. The doctor said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my weight gain and nothing to be worried about that I am eating well. He said that I am very proportionate and am looking good. I am growing well. Wahoo!
Here is a picture of my daddy and me:
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