Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ok Little man.....

Mommy is SO PROUD of you! You have kicked the soother. No more soother for you. You are doing so well. You did great during the transition. You are getting better at falling asleep without it too.
You had your one year shots on Monday. (the 23rd) and you did well with that too! You got 4 shots. One in each arm and each leg. You did get a rash from the MMR shot but are doing fine now. The chicken pox one is the one I worry about. You *could* develop chicken pox. It could occur as soon as 10 days or as long as a month afterwards. I hope you don't get it!
You weigh 21lbs and are 29 and 1/4 inches long. Funny cause a year ago you were 7lbs 7ozs and only 19.5" long. My how time has flown!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

your first birthday

You had such a wonderful time and you were so spoiled. We love you little man! Here is a slide show of some pictures. You grew so fast. This slide show is of your party.

Monday, April 16, 2007


You are one today! We love you. You are the greatest gift in our lives!!
Love you Cooper.
Love: Mommy & Daddy!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cooper you make me LAUGH!!!

Ahhh.....the innocence
We have this old table we are taking to donate so it is out in the living room today cause we are taking it tonight. There is no glass in it but I turned around and this is what I saw............
(You thought it was great fun!)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I can't keep up!

You are learning so much so fast and I can't believe that you will be on in 4 DAYS!! Where did the time go!!
Over the weekend (April 6) you learned how to stand up from a sitting position. All on your own. Your lower right molar is half way through. I haven't recorded it yet but I think I will record it as a week ago. The date may be a bit off cause I didn't write it down right away.
You talk up a storm. Mostly baby babble but it is still cute.
Yesterday you did something really funny.
I don't normally wear shorts yet this time of year but I was wearing them around the house yesterday. My legs needed to be shaved though. So I was standing there and you were patting my legs cause it is all new to you. Then you thought the stubble was great fun and kept patting me. Then you looked closely and tried to pinch the hair and pull it off! It was so funny. Like you were trying to get rid of the stubble. HAHA.
You love swimming. We took you down to Birch Bay. Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Dennis and Auntie Sue. You loved the pool. You were having lots of fun in your floaty.

I've got some stuff to get together for your birthday party. We are having it at Auntie Sue's. She was so kind to let us host it there.
You practically run too sometimes. You rarely, if ever, crawl now.
I can't believe it has been almost a year!
Love you little man!