Saturday, June 02, 2007

You can now say....


LOL! It is SO cute! Ever since you was tiny and first started solids, at 6 months, I would always say a prayer and thank God for your food and then end with, In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
I wondered what the point was in saying it so young but I continued. Then yesterday at lunch I said the prayer and then said Amen. You went 'amin'. Sue's Grandma heard it, and she can't hear all that well. She said, he said amen. I was like YAY! That means you heard it too. I wasn't crazy!
Then at dinner we said the same thing and Amen. You then proceded to say it clearer then before. Then would even say it on command.
I love you son! You are SO smart!! We can see you trying to put words together. You are trying really, really hard to get the right word out.
Oh and your top right molar has poked through the surface and the top left is coming through. Getting so darn big!

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